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Whether you're looking to deepen self awarness, gain clarity on next steps, stay accountable to your goals, or connect with like minded rural women, the IGNITE + GROW Micromind is designed to develop your growth and step into living life ON purpose!




What if I told you there is a reason you are longing for something more?


Imagine the shift—from feeling like the only one in your zip code dreaming of a life of intentionality to being surrounded by like-minded women from rural communities. The IGNITE + GROW Micromind is more than just a program; it's a sanctuary for your ambitions, a space where your goals transform from scattered and ambiguous to clear and focused. This is where you take decisive action guided by a community that understands the unique challenges and triumphs of rural life.

I have worked with hundreds of women who once felt just like you. After seeing the life transformations, I knew I wanted to create something more. This micromind is the entry point to changing your life from the inside out. I'm bringing everything I’ve learned from 2+ years worth of masterminds to a 6-month immersion to go deeper than ever before. 

Are you ready to take the next step to end up where you're destined to be?

Let's do this!

enroll here

  • Gain clarity on the direction that you need to head
  • Connect with passionate women deeply invested in your growth
  • Expand your mindset and learn from other rural women's experiences
  • Build meaningful community with like-minded rural women

In IGNITE + GROW you will:



"This community has given me direction, clarity, encouragement, and meaningful relationships with strong women!" 

Caitlyn Ward

"It’s been a safe space to share my heart - both joys and challenges"

Samantha Miller 

"It’s been a safe space to share my heart - both joys and challenges"

Samantha Miller 

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"Coming into this space I felt lost, stuck, unmotivated, and somewhat unseen and unworthy. This has helped me feel like I'm not alone, validated, and that there are so many like minded women doing hard things. This group is a sounding board, source of inspiration, and so much more!" 

Leann Mallett

my promise to you...




The first step is acknowledging that subtle whisper that something needs to change. Throughout this micromind, you will receive clarity on the direction you are headed and the roadmap to a future filled with purpose.

It's easy to feel alone living in a rural community. The IGNITE + GROW Micromind will provide you with a community of like-minded women, bound by shared experiences and aspirations.

Stepping into the unknown requires courage, and the IGNITE + GROW Micromind will cultivate your confidence. You will find the encouragement to embrace the discomfort and gain confidence to take the first step even when the path ahead seems unclear.

The Ignite + grow micromind is focused on providing rural women a safe space that promotes:

You're searching for answers of the next step in your life and/or career

You're ready to invest your time and energy into personal development and a mindset change

You crave a safe space to be vulnerable and connect with like-minded rural women

You're looking for clarity on your decisions

You're ready to live out the desires of your heart in confidence

Can you tell how freaking excited I am about the power of bringing together incredible rural women like you? We aren't meant to do life and business alone! There is legit nothing like intentionally sitting at tables with women who are fully invested in growing together. This is a group to love you through the journey.

and provide you with FULL support every step of the way. This community is extremely special and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to welcome YOU!

the ignite + grow micromind is for you if . . .

"This community hashelped me identify the life *I* want, not the path others expect from me. I've gone from unsettled and misaligned to feeling clarity and peace around this next chapter for me and my family." 

jenna facer

You already have your life figured out and aren't seeking further clarity

Prefer to gossip and tear other women down 

Are unwilling to make a shift in your mindset
Don't want to connect with like-minded women by having deep, impactful conversations

Are content with your current state of life and don't have the desire to change the direction of your future


this was made for you

“This community is a dream come true. In the past, I only found places for women where they tore each other down. I was looking for a sounding board with people who dream as big as I do with a soul deep desire to change their community. I honestly thought I would never find my place. Emily has created a table and invites everyone to sit with her. If you're questioning joining a Micromind, this is your push to do it. Dreamers, leaders, inspirers, goal setters… you are welcome.”

Alecia Stuuan 

“Being part of a community like this has helped me see different perspectives in rural communities and to realize I’m not alone. I feel connected to high-achieving, like-minded women across the world! I feel as if I’ve finally found my people! ”

Niki Nichols

What's Included in Ignite + Grow Micromind

2-hour group coaching calls held bi-weekly over the duration of 6 months.

An unmatched encouraging and supportive community of like-minded women in the rural community.

The opportunity to bring any question to our bi-weekly calls for deeper conversation and clarity.

The confidence to step outside of your comfort zone for a life that makes you excited to wake up each day.

Clarity on the direction you are headed, and the steps you need to take to get you where you long to be.

An in-depth digital workbook with guided exercises and prompts to help you take the next steps in your self-fulfilled journey.

Are you ready to change your life?

we're ready
for you

clarity community confidence

Join us!

Ignite + Grow Investment

Join now!

+ Bi-weekly calls
+ Reflection digital workbook w/ guided prompts 
+ Q&A group coaching from Emily during calls
+ Guided group exercises to provide clarity & confidence on your next steps

+ Bi-weekly calls
+ Reflection digital workbook w/ guided prompts 
+ Q&A group coaching from Emily during calls
+ Guided group exercises to provide clarity & confidence on your next steps




choose the payment option that works best for you.

One-time payment of $325

6 monthly payments of $54

Our Microminds unite rural women who crave a space to connect, learn, and grow. Each woman brings a unique perspective to offer meaningful feedback, rich insight, and magnetic energy to help you take your life and career to the next level. Consider this your safe space to chase after your ambitions: women who are outside of your current circle, yet understand your lifestyle, and are one hundred percent invested in your success. 

I have taken everything I have learned and taught over the last 2 years of hosting Masterminds, and created Ignite + Grow Micromind to be a 6-month "mini-mastermind" for like-minded women in rural communities. However, there is nothing "mini" about it. Ignite + Grow will last longer, and dive deeper with even more incredible women, while still providing as much clarity, community, and confidence as ever before.

Each micromind will be a group of women from 'middle of nowhere' communities near and far!

The Micromind will be filled with small town leaders and dreamers, rural entrepreneurs and content creators, and women in agriculture fully committed to personal and professional growth. The variety of life experience and career focus represented in a micromind cohort will generate rich conversation to expand your mindset and clarify your vision.

The Ignite + Grow Micromind is a virtual program that meets for two hours bi-weekly. The duration of the Micromind will run from August 2024 through January 2025.

Listen, I know you have a million things on your plate. Trust me, you won't be the only one that has to tune in from a tractor cab every now and again (the joy of being surrounded by women who ‘get' you!)
Upcoming travel plans? Remember, IGNITE + GROW meets online which means you can join us from virtually anywhere in the world (see what I did there?) If you're sitting on the beach for one of our meetings, imma be jealous but seriously don't let that hold you back!
All we ask is that you come into this micromind with mutual respect for each other's time and full commitment to the women in your circle. I promise it'll be worth it!

I have created the IGNITE + GROW Micromind to be more accessible and affordable than my Mastermind sessions that cost thousands of dollars.  The Micromind will last for 6 months, and you can choose between two different payment options. You have the choice to pay in full upfront for $325, or you can make 6 monthly payments of $54. But the relationships, accountability, and growth you'll receive during the program? Priceless! 

Was that cheesy? Probably. But it's truth! There's magic in being surrounded by high achieving women who fully understand your lifestyle, yet offer diverse perspective, and are 100% invested in your growth! 

Join us!

The greatest commitment is being fully present and invested in learning and growing alongside your incredible minimind cohort. Every single woman is there to share ideas, ask hard questions, offer feedback, and support one another through the ups and downs of life and business.

your own personal hype girl

Hi there! I'm Emily... a farmer’s wife, mom of three, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, podcast host, and the leader of retreats and masterminds that propel rural women toward their truest, most-aligned goals and priorities. 

A lifelong rule-follower, box-checker, and high-achiever, I was at my dream job - benefits, flexible hours, incredible coworkers, the option to bring my kids to work! - when I decided to *stop* ignoring the voice in my heart that told me I was meant for something different and *start* trying to figure out what that was… even if it involved leaving said dream job to start my own business. (Which is exactly what I did!)

I now helps other rural women do the same - to get clear on what they want, release the inner dialogue that tells them it’s impossible, and go after the goals that are keeping them awake at night …. without giving up the small-town life they love. 

Rural Personal Growth Coach + Speaker

emily reuschel

I’m a midwestern farm wife and former elementary school teacher with a freaking passion for pouring into rural women and helping them tap into the callings on their heart and build healthy and authentic lives that they love.

need a speaker for a workshop, event, or podcast? 


gather in growth podcast • tune in now • inspiration • community • masterminds • retreats • speaking • rural women • coaching • gather in growth podcast • tune in now • inspiration • community • masterminds • retreats • speaking • rural women • coaching • gather in growth podcast • tune in now • inspiration • community • masterminds • retreats • speaking • rural women • coaching •

daily inspiration on the gram





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