This article, Lessons from the Messy Middle was featured in the Spring 2022 issue of Trailblazher Magazine.
Trailblazher Co is a multi-platform brand that serves enterprising, rural women by delivering community connection and support; timely business solutions and strategies; and high-profile opportunities to get them brand/business recognition that cultivates sustainable business & income growth while living the lifestyles they love.
Trailblaz∙her™ magazine, a collectible, 108-page printed magazine is published four times a year to showcase the lifestyles, stories and modern business wisdom of enterprising, rural women in Canada and the US. Trailblazher is currently sold online through our website by subscription and single issue.
Founders, Jan and Erin Johnson, are mother and daughter business partners of 22 years, who live on an acreage outside of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. In the spring of 2020, they launched Trailblazher, a quarterly print magazine, and brand – Trailblazher Co. – targeted at showcasing, supporting and acknowledging enterprising, rural women across North America, something that has never been done before for this demographic. In two short, very busy years, they have grown a trusted community, resource, and online gathering place.
Isn’t entrepreneurship fun? And by fun I mean, navigating uncharted waters, undoing every ounce of perfectionism that we’ve ever known, and constantly trying to silence the voices that say, “I’m not qualified, capable or enough.”
What joy!
In the six years since we moved to my husband’s Illinois family farm, I’ve transformed from fourth grade teacher to YMCA program director to multi-passionate entrepreneur.
My passion is rooted in building a community of purpose-driven rural women who are invested in their personal growth. Through multiple avenues, I coach trailblazhers through seasons of change, shifting mindsets, and building strong habits to support healthy and authentic lives that they love.
So why is it so hard for me to take my own advice?
After months of deeply knowing that I was ready for the next chapter, last summer I left my 9-5 to build my personal brand and business, Raising Reuschel. I naively thought that once I took the leap, it would be all smooth sailing! After all, I’d already worked through so much to get to that point… now it was time to do the thing!
Yikes. I had no idea that I was walking into the most unexpected season of growth and pivots before I really even had the chance to do the things I’d set out to do. The best way that I can describe the end of 2021 is the Messy Middle: the period of time between starting a new endeavor and when the dots really connect. The time when you look around and suddenly feel like you’re not doing enough as you simultaneously grapple to figure it all out. The moments when you’re hit with your deepest insecurities and trademarks of your work ethic and personality that can no longer be disguised by the hustle and bustle of working for someone else. The terrifying and exhilarating feeling of looking at a blank slate and knowing that anything is possible. At best, it’s an incredible experience, but it also pairs nicely with self doubt and unfamiliar loneliness.
Below are a few lessons I’ve learned from the Messy Middle. If you too have walked through this season, I hope that you can look back and relate. If you’re smack dab in the thick of it, I hope that this helps you take a deep breath and relax your shoulders, even just for a moment.
1. It’s not just you.
It’s easy to look around and assume that everyone else has it together. But here’s the secret: we all grapple with levels of insecurity, imposter syndrome, comparison, and not enough. It doesn’t matter how much money someone has made, how many followers they have, or how confident they look on the outside, everyone is dealing with something. This dream has been laid on your heart for a reason. You DO have what it takes. You are smart, strong, capable, and bold enough to accomplish everything you’ve ever wanted and more.
2. You don’t actually have it all figured out.
There’s strength in giving yourself permission to try new things and pivoting as you go. Be patient with the process of learning and truly listen to your intuition to guide each step. You don’t have to know everything today, just take imperfect action that gets you one tiny step closer to your goals.
3. Lean into people and resources that align with the person you’re growing into.
Hire the coach, listen to the podcast, go to the retreat, read the book, schedule a call with someone in your industry or a coffee date with a local entrepreneur. There are countless ways to ask for help and build relationships with women who ‘get’ it. Sure, you can figure it out alone… but why?
4. Not all growth is shiny.
I was ready to step into this chapter and absolutely crush it. And- in many ways I did. But I also worked through a lot of uncomfortable feelings. If you’re a high achiever like me, we like to see that A+ or gold star. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. However, looking back, I know without a doubt that I’ve just walked through the most beautiful, impactful, and significant few months of my life.
5. Get out of your own head.
It’s all coming together as it should. In all honesty, we are harder on ourselves than is often necessary. If you’re actively taking intentional steps to grow your business or brand, then what you need is time. Keep trucking your path and have faith.
Big things are in store for us, my friend. I know that with every fiber of my being. That dream has been laid on your heart for a reason. The world genuinely needs more gutsy rural women to walk in their calling. Give yourself grace, pour into YOU, and keep showing up every day to do the work that you love. This is how we drive impact for our families, friends, and communities. You inspire more women than you can imagine just by boldly taking the leap.
Welcome to Gather in Growth, a show created for passionate, growth-focused rural women like you. From mindset work and building strong habits to nerding out over personal growth books and exploring the unique joys and challenges of living rural, this is a show to leave you feeling joyful, inspired, ready to take action, and a little less alone.
I’m a midwestern farm wife and former elementary school teacher with a freaking passion for pouring into rural women and helping them tap into the callings on their heart and build healthy and authentic lives that they love.
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“Being connected to Emily is a blessing because her radiant energy and positive vibes are contagious. She makes me feel like it’s okay to stay grounded in my own truths and be the kind of person who walks around with a smile even if everything isn’t okay. Her genuine smile and charming personality is a blessing to the world. She continues to inspire me even on the days when I feel uninspired.”
Blair Pollister Turquoise by the Water
“Emily has a beautiful zest for life and a true passion to help others achieve greatness. She knows the importance of self-investment, and not only encourages others to do so but also follows through with bettering herself in this way, too. As you get to know Emily, you’ll see a unique, loving and vulnerable person. She’s always open to learning and seeing things from different points of views because she knows that leads to true change.”
Denise Talcott TEDDYco Media
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